The Weekend

Wanna guess what the first thing Lincoln announced when he walked into the church on Sunday?

"Hey. Hey. I have batman underwear on!"

We worked like crazy around the house this weekend. I feel like we're like ants hustling around getting ready for winter. Organizing, decluttering, fixing things. It's been great. So often we try to do fun things on the weekend or go visit our families or something. But it has been so fun to be home and have time to actually, like clean my house.

Lincoln has been on a roll of saying funny things. On saturday he started calling Asa an Asadilla. Like a quesadilla only an Asadilla. So clever. I almost died laughing. It's crazy the little play on words things that he comes up with. He's still an emotional wreck a good half the time. And cries so much more than Asa. Maybe it's a stage. We've been letting him skip his nap every few days. And that's been working fairly well. It's better than putting him down and going into his room every 3 minutes to tell him to go to sleep. "I full of sleepin mom. I'm sooooo tired of sleepin".

Asa James is also on a roll. There's pretty much nowhere in the living room that he can't get to somehow. He doesn't crawl, but somehow I'll put him down in one spot and the next minute he's way over in the corner.  Oh so Asa still sleeps in his bassinet. We should have moved him out like 3 months ago but the little stinker just loves it in there. He just can't stay in there forever. So we've been trying to transition him to a pack and play next to my bed, and then ultimately to his crib in Lincolns room (that will be an experience). So we're at stage one. I pretty much google everything before I do it. And the internet is telling me that it'll take a week or so to get him used to the pack and play, and start with naps and then add night time when he's got that down. So we'll see how this goes. I really don't mind him in his bassinet.. but seriously he's just getting too big!
