Adventures in Babysitting

We are so thankful to have found a good and safe place for the boys to go. We just finished week two of the boys spending 2 to 3 days a week at a friends house for a few hours so I can work.

With Micah starting school we had to reevaluate everything, especially with two active boys to take care of now. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom -somehow I think my life would be easier that way. But that's what I typically do "oh if we only had bigger vehicle, a nicer house, etc, my life would be better". Well anyways, I took a couple days off from working and did a trial run at only taking care of the boys. Well, yeah it was a lot of work. And to be honest, I got sick of them. Frustrated. And suddenly, working a couple days a week didn't sound so bad. Balance wins again. It seems like in every situation I face, balance wins. You have to find a balance with everything.

Should I eat all that chocolate cake? Should I never go to the doctor because I have Essential Oils? Is the government trying to poison us through Coke products? I'm learning that extreme thinking in either direction is not the best way to live. And so, after discussing all this with Micah, over a slice of chocolate cake, we had some clarity. I do love my children. I do want to stay home with them. I do have the opportunity to work from home, somewhat on my own schedule, doing something that I for the most part enjoy. However, with two boys and varying nap schedules I can't count on a couple hours of nap time a day to get my work done. So it was pretty clear, if I want to keep working some, we need to find something for the boys to do. And another episode of Team Umizoomie was not the answer.

We decided all this on a friday, went camping for the weekend, and when I came back to Facebook world on Sunday a christian mom friend had posted that she was interested in some supplemental income and looking to for a family with one or two kids with hours similar to school times to watch. It took me all of like 30 seconds to run upstairs, talk to micah, and message her.

So far it has been great. She is an awesome mom. And we've all been happy campers all around. After I picked Lincoln up the first day we get into the car and he says "wow, that was fun".

It has been such a nice break. I can focus on my work when they're gone and then focus on the boys when they're home.

A bonus has been listening to Lincoln's accounts of their day on the way home. He's told me some real duzzies. Apparently they sat down at the kitchen table to play with playdoe (something that we've never played with before, just haven't gotten around to it yet) Well anyways, my little genius is sitting in the kitchen with a pile of stuff in front of him, what else should he do but take a bite? "Yeah, I not like that stuff mom" he says. "It's a little bit yucky for me."

First day of "Jessica's House"
