Prayer Request

During Asa's 4 month checkup last week our doctor noticed a heart mummer and had him have an ultrasound on his little heart.

We got the results yesterday.

It appears that he has a perimembranous ventricular septal defect. And that means that there could be a small hole in his heart.

Supposedly this is all correctable. And very possibly correctable without surgery and may even fix itself on its own. But we don't know. So we're taking him to the Children's Hospital in St. Paul today to have more images done and meet with a doctor.

I really can't write any of this without crying. I'm not sure why. I know everything will be ok. I'm just, emotional I guess. Something inside of me never wants to look like I need help or admit that anythings wrong. I mean, who doesn't just want everything to be perfect, all the time.

But God knows what's going to happen. He already knows. And somehow, that's comforting. As much as I love my precious baby boy. My God loves him more.

So I'm scared and excited about another trip to the Cities. Maybe we'll hit up Chick-Fil-A again.

In the meantime, please pray for my little sweetheart.

Here's some links that gave me more info. 
