
Cool breeze. Sleeping boys. Wind chimes. World cup. Bacon. Throw up. Fathers day. Memories.

That's what's been going on today, in no particular order.

We have had such a fun week. You know that song "you only know you've been high when you're feeling low". Well my past week has been the opposite of that. I didn't realize how long and hard this year had been on me. From our basement flooding, my bedroom in the dinning room, -40 below weather, money problems (which God somehow took care of), plus being super pregnant through all that... With all this sunshine and friends, I feel like I have new life, like I'm a new person.

My chocolate told me this recently, "Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances". And you know, usually I believe that. But lately, no. I'm all about choosing to be happy in tough circumstances but sometimes, you just need some happy circumstances.

And when we you get some encouragement.. it feels sooo good. Getting a visit from my college roommate did that for me. It had been six year since we've seen each other and we had both been through a lot, but she had seen the worst of it. And now I couldn't be happier for her and where her life is heading. Seeing her, literally made my year, if not more. Plus our little boys were like instant friends. It was so neat to see. They got along so good. They just played and played. I think Lincoln was more disappointed to see them go then I was. But we're hoping that getting together will be a more frequent thing, at least not six years.

We also got to spend last weekend in the Cities. Spending the night in a nice hotel, swimming, and celebrating our 5 year anniversary, walking around Minnehaha Falls and going the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It wasn't everything I dreamed our 5th anniversary would be but it was nice and we spent it together doing the fun things that we could. Like splitting a dinner because I'm saving for a cruise. When I asked Micah if it's felt like five years, he responds "I feel like it's been longer than that". Thanks buddy.

And that brings us to this weekend. Girls night on Friday night was a blast as usual. And Saturday I actually did zero work. Work has been brutal lately, magazine and catalog time.. yikes. I don't know how I'm going to get everything done. I'm thankful Micah's home this summer so I can work more, but it also stinks that I have to work more when he's home.. Oh well. I keep telling myself to be thankful for this job as long as I have it.

We're not really doing anything special for fathers day. We were all planning on going to church until Lincoln threw up about 30 seconds before we were going to walk out the door. So that didn't happen. Lincoln and I stayed home. -Glad I didn't spend much time on my hair because that would have been wasted.

We didn't get each other presents for fathers day or mothers day. We've really had such a different mind set since taking a couple classes on finances and spending. I mean, who says we have to buy each other presents for every bloody holiday? It all really starts to add up, and we don't want to feel like we have to spend money or have stuff to make us happy. Compared to most kids around the world my sons are being raised like royalty. If you ever find yourself feeling poor I suggest you check out the Global Rich List. Our family is the in top 0.41%. That means that 99% of the world is poorer than me. That blows my mind. That just makes me realize I really don't need all the things the commercials tell me I need.

Anyways that's what's been going on over here lately. Can't wait for my sister to come home for the summer tomorrow. And for all the other encouraging things that are happening. I love summer.
