Mothers Day

Well this is a little late.

Mothers Day weekend was actually a little rough. We (me) had a grumpy week leading up to it - I blame the gloomy weather. And I read way to many things online that left me in a big confusing emotional mess.

Feeling terrible for the women who weren't mothers, guilty because I wasn't happier being one, but at the same time feeling lucky for everything I have, but then stressed because Asa wasn't eating well, my milk production was low, stressed about being stressed, and unhappy about being unhappy.

Picture Ron Weasley saying "One person can't feel all that at once, they'd explode."

That was my mothers day.

Anyways. I'm very thankful that God is steady even when I'm not. I really wanted to put all of this out of my mind. But if I don't remember the bad days, the good ones wouldn't be so great. And because those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it of course.

Me and my boys.

BTW: between these two pictures Lincoln threw a rock at Micah, had to go inside, get in trouble, and then come out and take this next photo. Poor kid. Oh memories : )


  1. Cute pictures! Sorry your mother's day was less than stellar, but like you said, hopefully it will make the good days better! :-)

  2. I have no doubt you are a fabulous mother, K! Great family shots :)


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