
Ah I'm SO glad our garage sale is over.

Somehow I got the brilliant idea to have one. It was my first ever, that I've had at my own house. Glad my friend Katie could join me otherwise it probably would have been a disaster. But I would have to say it was a success. We didn't get rid of as much as we would have liked (like everything) but we did make some money, got rid of somethings we didn't need, and both my boys are still alive. Success.

Other than the stress of getting everything ready in time, it was a lot of fun. I rarely just get to sit around so it was kind of nice just sitting there and chatting with the random people that stopped by. It was also nice to see Lincoln playing outside so much with Katie's boys. Usually when we get together with other people and their kids he'll play by himself. Not in a weird or scared way, he's just not really used to or knows how to play with other kids yet. So it's really fun to watch him interacting and socializing with the other little kids.

Asa was also a champ during this whole thing. The first several weeks of his life we've just been going with the flow. Eating and sleeping basically all the time. But now that he's awake more my goal this week was to get him into more of a routine and schedule. Nothing crazy, but we took a class before Lincoln was born called Preparation for Parenting by Garry Ezzo and I've been going through the book again. It's all about having a schedule and getting your baby to sleep through the night by 7-9 weeks. And you know I'm all about sleep! We're not sleeping through the night yet, but we've got a great feed-wake-sleep cycle going on and I'm loving it. Ever since we really settled in on this he has just been so pleasant. It's way easier to tell what he wants and what he needs. And knowing what your baby needs is sooo comforting.

Anyways, I have tons of catching up to do on here. Lots of things I wanted to write down and post but I haven't. Usually every free moment I have in front of a computer is spent on work. But hopefully with the long weekend I'll have some more time.

The weather is glorious today. Let the summertime walks and hours at the park begin!

Garage sale prep. What a mess!

Everything ready to go.. mostly.

Chillin in his snuggy.
(the snuggy didn't sell, shocker)

The sunglasses were a fail.

Not sure why they need to sit this close but oh well.


Impromptu sword fight with a customer.

Cold pizza and a baby for lunch.

Somehow playing outside all day means having a really messy face.

Finished his snacks.
