Where we are

So here's where we are:

The last couple days Asa only got up to eat once in the night, which has been wonderful and totally doable. Lincoln has been more difficult. Like waking up crying 3-4 times a night. "My blanket's messed up, I need more juice", etc. It's not every night, but enough to make you really appreciate when he sleeps straight through.

During the day time we're really working on obedience with this kid. And I mean working. on. it. We had a huge melt down at the park this week. The falling on the floor sobbing kind that "my kid will never do". Well, he done it. Thankfully we were the only ones there so we sat down on the curb and dealt with it. Slowly but surely I guess. I find myself saying "obey right away" about one hundred times a day. But he is a lot of fun. He loves to help and be involved in everything. He surprises me with something cleaver every day. Last night he played in the kitchen sink pouring water into different bowls and cups for over an hour. I know this because I set the timer for the banana bread for 55 minutes.

Asa is one month old and grown out of his newborn clothes already. He turned one month on the same day his Great Grandpa Louie turned 99. Crazy that he's already growing out of his clothes. I feel like an old person packing up his little clothes and thinking "time goes by so fast".

Micah and I are slowly chipping away at the projects around the house (wait till you see my new door shelf!). I'm in between like 10 different things. One of which is moving out my maternity clothes with my summer clothes but when the weather or sizes don't cooperate.. my rooms a mess. Also trying to declutter and sell things that we don't need or haven't worn lately. We're going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class at church. So we're trying to keep with our budget, which is fun and challenging. Looking forward to cutting back on spending and saving for things that we really want. Like a vacation perhaps?

And here's some photos:

Typical day.

Baby bath time.

Snuck in a dinner date thanks to a gift card and grandparents.

Love these mornings with the boys.

Funny guys.
