Catchin Up

So much to catch up on, where to begin.

I guess I'll just start with today. We went to the childrens fair. Boy, was that a circus. I didn't realize what a homebody I've become. I usually love crowds and lots of people, they'd give me energy. But now, no thank you I guess. Lincoln enjoyed it but I think he will more so when he's a bit older. There was just waaaay to many people there for a slightly shy two year old to really do anything without getting trampled or not to mention kidnapped. What a jackpot for bad guys, hello?! Ok, maybe I'm just being over paranoid.

It's funny how life goes and your feelings and thoughts change. My work has been going through rebranding and I've found myself thinking about my own identity as well. Some things that I thought I would always want and always be aren't that important to me anymore. And that's ok.

My mom tells me to enjoy the season of life you're in, while you're in it. So that's what I've been trying to do and I tell ya what, I've really been enjoying this mom thing. Yes, I felt like screaming today, but what job doesn't make you want to do that? It's just funny to me how I can be happy doing this. I'm not living in New York City or San Diego (my dream locations), I'm not playing in the WNBA this summer, I'm not even close to being a world traveler right now. But I am an educated person, doing the best job I can at what God's given me to do. Hopefully someday I'll be able to travel more.

But this is where I'm at right now. And I'm happy with that.

Touring the fire trucks.

Cautiously excited.
