A Baby Story

Ten days. Little Asa James is ten days old today. He has been the best. Although he was a little late he came into this world just perfectly. We walked into the hospital at 9:30 am and he was born at 3:43 pm.

We were scheduled to be induced at 6:30 Wednesday morning, but Tuesday night we got a call saying that the hospital was full and we'd need to wait a few days. (insert emotional breakdown here) But around 7 Wednesday morning they called back and said "how would you like to have your baby today?" (best call ever). When we got there I was dialated to 4 cm, they hooked me up to some pitocin, my water broke, hooked me up to the epidural, and then after 40 minutes of pushing he was here. So simple. ; )

I actually asked my mom to be in the room with us. Although she had five kids, she had four c-sections. And I thought it'd be neat if she could be there to experience birth this way. She and Micah stood bravely behind me and cheered me on. I'm telling you, the difference between laying on a bench in a weight room maxing out and laying on a hospital bed pushing out a baby isn't as much as you'd think.

Boy there were a lot of ups and downs leading up to his birth.. the basement flooding, extra bills and work galore, Micah's strep throat, and colds for everybody. But somehow he still managed to show up safe and sound. Micah's still recovering from being so sick. So we're not able to be as active as we'd like to. But we did manage to go for a drive, get lunch, and groceries today as a family of four. I feel like we're a real family now. Not like we weren't before, but man, we have two kids!


Little Asa ready to go out and about.

Lincoln loves to have Asa sit by him. 

Super Baby!

Workin with Dad.

First bath time. Asa screamed and Lincoln wanted him out. 

My boys!

Chubby Cheeks.

I left the boys alone for a couple seconds.. and this is what I come back to.

The guilty man.

Welcome to our family little guy. 
