Where are you?

Depression is starting to set in. And I was so proud of myself yesterday for not breaking down at all. I had such a good attitude yesterday. If only that could count for something today. Last time on my due date I was an absolute mess. So no crying and feeling sorry for myself this time is a big improvement.

It's funny how five months ago I wasn't thinking that this baby is never going to come. And now, that I know something must happen in these next few days, that's exactly what I'm thinking. What's worse is, I know the rational way to feel, but apparently I'm choosing the irrational. What does that make me? Crazy? Normal? Both maybe.

Either way, Newnie baby is still stuck and I feel like he's never going to come.

Editors Note: Not trying to be too depressing or get a bunch of sympathy, just being real. Sometimes it's just best to get it all out, have a coke, turn on some latino music and move on. Thanks for understanding. ; )
