
Loving this peace and quite right now. I hear nothing but the hum of my computer and the occasional drill coming from downstairs (which I am sooo thankful for). I love naptime.

Wow did we have a busy weekend. But it was good. It was in small ways, and hard to believe for a weekend where we skipped church, I really saw God work… in me. 

I also learned that if you’re going to have an emotional break down, have it BEFORE things get hectic. I don’t know why this never really occurred to me before. But having it out of the way before things got crazy was sure helpful.

Maybe I’m the only one, but even though I love all my family so very much, I still get stressed when they come to visit. Even when my house is clean and I have a bedroom to retreat to, having 6 or 7 extra people and sometimes a dog spending the night at my house just makes me anxious. So add the huge task of priming and painting the entire basement (which is what they were coming over to help with) with MY stuff being everywhere in a cluttered mess, DUST everywhere, stuff everywhere, and my precious bedroom in the middle of it all.. Yeah, I broke down.

I was playing out every worst case scenario in my head and imagining the claustrophobia of 9 adults and 1 kid in small house, sharing a small bathroom, with sleeping bags all over the floor. We had so much to do, just to get ready and make room for them to come, I didn’t know if the help painting was worth it. Anyways, after a lot of worry, crying (of course), and talking the Micah, I prayed. I prayed for God to take away all my worries and help me deal with everything. And you know what, he did. It wasn’t instant by any means. But he gave me peace. And he also gave my husband some extra energy to help me slightly declutter the house before everyone got here, after he had primed the basement for the past 12 hours. (yeah, he rocks)

My worst case scenarios didn’t happen, our families were a HUGE help, and I learned like usual God has everything under control.


  1. It's encouraging to hear how God is working in your life. And you are not the only one to have an emotional break down. Chaos in your house is hard, even without extra bodies. God is in control of it all.


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