Mo Money Mo Problems

I was just thinking about my first post. How I was so tired after Christmas and was so looking forward to settling down at home and getting into a routine. I feel like God must have looked at that post and busted out laughing. Literally busted out laughing. Right now my bedroom is in the DINING ROOM people! And it has been for the past 3 weeks (but who's counting).

Somehow we're surviving. I've seen other friends who've moved and had other major changes right before they had their babies and I've thought to myself "oh wow, I could never do that. That's just stupid. Why would anyone do that?" Anyways.. apparently you don't have a choice as to when you face things in life. 

My goal had been once February was here to begin going through all my baby clothes and washing them and getting them all put away to be ready for the new baby. Now I'll just be happy if we have a room to put the baby, forget about clean clothes. (just kidding, we will have clean clothes, I'm sure the hospital can loan us a pair)

I don't really have a goal now. I can't wait to get back downstairs again. Slowly but surely it is coming back together. And better than it was before I might add. It's just that this year (yes, all 33 days of it) has just been such a roller coaster with money. Again, after Christmas I was looking forward to settling back down financially as well. We spend more money than normal durning December because of Christmas gifts and such that I was looking forward to hunkering down and saving some money. But this past few weeks have left me feeling more like an adult than ever. Blah.

So the pluses and the minuses of the week are: Micah finding a recall on our computer's hard drive that crashed two years ago and Apple is sending us a check for $300 (yay!), we have a brand new working furnace and hot water heater downstairs (free, our insurance is paying for it). But now yesterday we top off the week with finding out that we weren't claiming something correctly on our taxes and now we owe $2,000 to the government (not so yay).

So I guess the bottom line is somehow we'll come out ok and be just fine. We have been able to put money aside in savings this past year (probably because we weren't paying as much as we should have been in taxes) but that'll help.

Such is life I guess. Through it all I'm so thankful for where God has us right now. Amazingly enough these ups and downs do keep life interesting. And now begins the never ending challenge of trying to save money where we can, all while my little heart dreams of bigger houses, more clothes and amazing vacations.

Better be getting to bed. The constructions guys show up bright and early. 
