To Love Somebody

Sorry, I have to interrupt my normally scheduled post to bring you a parenting low.

My night included getting up at 1:00, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 and 8:00 am. All to hold a little boy.. who had nothing wrong with him. Just sobbing for mama. His foot came out of the blankets, he's missing this teddy bear, that teddy bear's not in the blanket, where's Gramma and Grandpa, etc. This went on all night. Not to mention a new little boy keeping me company and bouncing around in my belly through it all.

I feel like all the time I spent in bed was just trying to fall asleep. And I was handling it ok. Until after all of that I wake up (very groggy) this morning to a happy little boy flying an airplane, that proceeds to smack me verrrry hard. Right in the face. Tears immediately shot out of my eyes. After all I had done for him that night, he greats me with an airplane to the face. I love my son. And I'm sure he'll do something wonderfully sweet to make up for that today. But sometimes. Parenting sucks.
